*Drawing is now closed*
Thank you for all of your well wishes! I am finally turning the corner and starting to feel a bit better! I actually got in my craft room yesterday and got a couple of projects done. : ) To thank you for your patience the last couple of weeks and for always being my cheerleaders......I want to host a little giveaway! I have TWO Garden Soup cartridges to give away! I will randomly pick TWO winners on Monday night (tomorrow) at 10 P.M. CST. All you need to do is subscribe to my blog via Feedblitz, or become a follower (if you are not already), or place my badge on your blog, and tell me what you are doing right at this very moment! I will tell YOU that I am sitting in my PJ's, drinking coffee, with my hair sticking up in a million directions.....not a pretty sight I tell ya! LOL!
IT is a short blog candy....you only have until 10 PM tomorrow! : ) Good luck! And thank you as always for stopping by!!!!

I am already a follower to your fabulous blog and I too, am sitting here in my pjs having my tea!
I just joined your blog, I am sitting in my pjs having my tea and reading blogs.
Bernville, PA
Well, I love your blog and am a follower! I am trying to convince my daughter to play with her dolls so I can craft (losing that one).
Thanks for the opportunity!
I am a follower and love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win! :-)
I'm already a follower of your blog! Right now, I'm having a nice cup of chocolate raspberry coffee and enjoying the peace and quiet before everyone gets up!
Great to hear your feeling better! I'm sitting here with my morning orange juice checking out all my usual sites on puter and came across your wonderful blog. Thanks for chance to win! Oh,I'm also now a follower.:)
I'm already a follower!Glad to hear you're on the mend! I'm also sitting here drinking coffee and catching up on the blogs! Thanks for the Chance!
Nanapuddin2u at Gmail dot com
I'm already a follower!Glad to hear you're on the mend! I'm also sitting here drinking coffee and catching up on the blogs! Thanks for the Chance!
Nanapuddin2u at Gmail dot com
This is the first time I have seen your blog and I must say your work is beautiful. I am happy to follow you
Thanks for the chance to win this cart.
Glad to hear you're feeling better! I'm a follower, I love your projects!! Right now I'm eating breakfast & getting rady to go to church! Thanks for the give away opportunity!
Oooh, I wanted this cartridge for a long time, thanks for the giveaway!
I am laying in bed, using my ipod to go through google reader to see everyones blogs!
Glad to hear you are feeling better!
I am already a follower, thanks for the chance to win:)
I'm trying to decide what I want for breakfast and also seeing what's new on your blog. Already a follower. Thanks so much for a chace to win!
Good morning! I am most certainly a follower of your blog! I'm happy to hear that you are feeling better! I am sitting at my computer catching up, all dressed and ready for church - only because we have to be there super early this morning as I am playing guitar for worship and we have an early practice this morning. About time to go wake up my daughters and get them ready too! Have a wonderful Sunday!
I'm already a follower...getting ready to go off roading and hiking with hubby and friends! Have a great day and thanks for the chance.
I am glad you are feeling better! I am already a follower of your blog! Thanks for posting your link to the Cricut message board! What a nice surprise as I sit here catching up on email, blogs, etc.
missstamper (at) yahoo.com
Already a follower. In pj drinking coffee facebooking and it lead me here from facebook
Hi!! Of course I am following and so that I dont miss any of your wonderful creations, I am also subscribed!!
This morning, I am checking the blogs I follow, updating my E2, and cleaning up my craft room. I wanted to cut out something from my Gypsy but since I still need to relink my George, I cant do it until I figure out how to do that since I no longer have my original Cricut.
Thanks for the chance to win Garden Soup! I love the little seed packets!
jtg0398 at sbcglobal dot net
So glad you're feeling better! I'm taking a break and enjoying a cup of tea before I frost the cake I made for my daughter's boyfriend's birthday party this afternoon.
BTW- I've been a follower for a while now!
I have been a follower for quite awhile already and love your blog. Your Cricut creations are the very best in blogland. I'm drinking my creme brulee coffee and planning to go to church soon.
I just became a follower and like what I have seen so far,I am drinking coffee and surfing the net.(reading blogs)...
i am lying in bed with my laptop in my pjs checking over the messagebaords and listeing to my finace play his game
Still in my pjs too, reading my google reader!
I am already a follower!
Sitting here eating an apple with some peanut butter!! mmm MMM
Thanks for the chance to win!
Already a follower :) I'm sitting in my pjs too, talking to my 6 year old son and typing this!
Happy to hear you are on the mend!
Thanks for the giveaway :)
phenis2031 at yahoo dot com
I already am a follower and have your button on my sidebar. Right now I am in my jammies hair sticking up all over also checking out new posts.
Thanks for the great giveaway. I am a follower and have placed your badge on my blog. Aikntoscrap.blogspot.com. Right now I am in my pjs as well and finishing a layout using a cart I just got, Art Nouveau.
I am a long time follower and I am currently sitting in front of my computer in my PJ's drinking coffee:)
Beautiful blog! I am not a follower. Right now I am getting ready to load our motor home so that we can head to the 1/4 midget track and watch our grandson race. It is opening day and so beautiful out! I'm taking my Gypsy so I can design pages and titles during the down time which that can be lots of.
It's Sunday morning, I just woke up, having my first cup of coffee and I'm reading the new posts from my fave blogs through Google Reader! ;)
Thanks for the chance to win. (already a follower of your wonderful blog)
Glad you're better. Drinking coffee and catching on my favorite blogs. (yeah, I got the bed hair thing going too).
I've been wanting to get this cartridge since I saw it in Cricut Magazine a few days ago (along with all of your work). I'm a new Cricut person and taking classes, but I am having a lot of fun.
What I am doing right now is sitting here drinking my first cup of coffee for the day and thinking of all of the cool stuff I could make if I win this cartridge, which means CASEing everybody else's in the Cricut Magazine until I get more confident. Thanks for the blog candy Michelle. I used to see you on SCS all the time and wondered where you went.
Glad you're feeling better too. I'm a Follower!
PC is coming out with so many cartridges! This looks fun, love the 3-D projects.
Right now, I am drinking Diet Coke but plan on finishing a scrapbook page.
Well since I am already a follower and your badge is already on my blog I will tell you that I am sitting in my living room sipping on a black cherry pomegranite crystal light and watching Voltron with my kiddos... Have a great morning
First off glad you are feeling better. Second thank you for the chance to win. But lastly right now I am preparing to go to wally world for groceries I hate that place for food but have to admit it is cheaper but mostly because it is the only store close to my home . esabatine at gmail dot com
I am already a follower....love your work on the Circle blog, especially the scrapbook pages.
I am in my jammies in the bed with my coffee, the Sunday paper and my iPad. Must get up soon though, the Scottie girls want a walk.
I love your blog, I am, as I do every morning, to get my day started, surf all the blogs, I follow. Gets my creative juices flowing for the day. Yours is top on the view list. Yes, am in my jammies havin' a coffee before church. Have a beautiful restful day, thanks for the chance t a great giveaway.
etfamily at wynndel dot ca
So glad to hear you're feeling better. I was actually on my way out the door for an all day crop when I saw on Pinterest about your giveaway! I have become a follower (don't know why I didn't do this before as I practically stalk your projects on the Circle)! Keep feeling better.
Marta Tapanes
Already a follower as your wedsite is awesome. Love the chance to win this cartridge. I have managed to get dressed today but not off the couch yet....
I just became a follower! So glad that you are feeling better. Right now I am still in my PJ's catching up on things in the message board. Thanks for a chance to win. This cart is one on my wish list.
rtvance at frontier dot com
I am sitting in my scrap room blog browsing! Go figure! Thanks for always being so generous with your time and resources!
I understand the not feeling well. I've been in a wheel chair for 5 weeks now, I had surgery on my heel and Achilles tendon, and walking just isn't working yet. Ugh. I haven't been to a craft store since, so I didn't know this cartridge was available. Thanks for the opportunity. Get well soon.
I am a follower and subscriber for sometime now. I love all the projects that you make, one talented lady!! I also am sitting in my PJ's, glad I'm in such good company,
Thanks for the chance to win a great cart.
Donna C.
goCricutgo (CC)
I'm already a follower! I am making lunch for myself.
I am already a follower. I am sitting here listening to my husband on the roof making a lot of noise as he is getting the cooler to work. Not a pretty noise! Regina
I am a new follower. I am trying to schedule my day - yard cleaning, 5 thank you cards, guest room clean up as well as menu planning for the week. Can I have another day in this weekend please??
I am a follower. I'm getting ready to head to my scraproom and do a challenge layout. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I already follow you my friend. I'm catching up on fb,while lying in bed
I've visited your blog many times before, but I am now a follower! Right now I'm sitting here in my pjs and surfing the internet. Really I'm just procrastinating cause I don't want to do dishes! Thanks for the chance to win!
Became a follower of your blog!
Just got finished cleaning up the dishes after making butter braids. Reading my devotional on rbc.org(missed church because I slept in-opps). Plan on sitting in my pjs for a little bit longer surfing the web, watching "Meet Joe Black" while listening to my little fur baby Houdini breathe as he sleeps beside me. I love Sundays!
Enjoying a lazy Sunday morning in my pjs, thanks for the chance to win.
I am a follower! Glad to hear you are feeling better. I am trying to talk myself into going to take a shower and then walk to the store. My DH took my car and left me with his 74 vw bug. Talk about culture shock!! I'm afraid to drive it!
I have sat here for the last hour looking at your blog, and it is wonderful. I am now a faithful follower. Hope i win. Hugs. Hope you feel better.
What a sweetie you are! Thank you for offering the two cartridges! Right now, I am in my gown, eating Saltines and drinking fluids! Yep! Like the skrawny little chicken hawk said, "I been sick"!
I am already a follower, and will wear your badge proudly on my blog!
Thanks Michele for the awesome blog candy. I am so glad you are feeling better. Now lets see all that craftiness girl!
I just started following your blog. I am sitting down after making cookies for a meeting of concerned parents later on today. The school board is cutting one of our 2 band directors for next year. The 2 of them teach 500 kids. How can one person do that???
Hi!I am already a follower and your blog button has been living in my blog for several weeks now...LOL......I am reading blogs, with a cup a coffee and a ham/cheese sandwich.TFS
Just joined your blog too!! Fabulous projects, and so glad to hear you're feeling a bit better :-) I'm sitting here in my jammies (yes it's 1 pm here in Ohio but it's Sunday so I don't care) drinking yet another cup of coffee catching up on some blog reading :-)
Thanks for doing the giveaway, that's really nice of you!
Jessica (a.k.a. Rosie)
I am following via Networked blogs. Love being able to check the latest on FB! You are always so gracious to post to the Cricut MB board when you have giveaways too! Thanks for the chance to win! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com
I am sitting with my hair in all directions drinking coffee, catching up on some craft blogs I have been wanting to check out (your's was at the top of the list since I saw some of your creations in Cricut Mag.) and listening to my kiddos eat breakfast cracking up at their little sweet conversation on sharing.
I follow you on Google Reader- so glad you are feeling better! I hope you get tons of energy and are able to be happy and crafty soon! lclass003atgmaildotcom
I'm a follower!
I just finished the dishes and am starting on the laundry. Oh joys! After that I've got some royal icing to make for class tomorrow.
Thanks for a chance to win this great cart!
First time on your blog , amazing work. I also went to pintest, love all you creativity. I just finished pulling weeds, trimming rose bushes and mowing my lawn. So I am now cooling off reading the Cricut circle blog, thanks for a chance to win
Already following your wonderful blog. Thanks for another awesome giveaway!!!
I just joined as an email follower.
Thanks for the chance to win a fun cartridge but especially for sharing your talents with us.
Just relaxing. Checking email, the Cricut MB and other online places.
I'm already your blog follower and right now I'm in my sweats, checking all the blog updates and looking for some challenges to enter so I can go down to my craft room for a while! I had a super busy week and hoping to "refuel" with some crafting!
Im already a follower. I just finished eating breakfast and now im bloggin lol. Thanks for the chance to win.
mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com
I'm already a follower. at this very moment I'm sitting here in my PJs watching tv and checking out some blogs. Thanks for a chance at the cartridge.
baby.cowgirl88 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the chance to win. I just shared on facebook. Thats what I am doing right now.
I am already a follower with the bonus of seeing your work in the Cricut Circle. No PJs for me, but I am in comfy sweats, drinking tea, checking blogs & wishing it would stop raining! No crafty mojo today :{
Karen L 1020 at gmail dot com
I am already a follower:) What I am doing right now is wiping tears out of my eyes from laughing so hard at my 2 1/2 year old grand son blowing bubbles, Gosh i love that little man:))) Thanks for the chance to win Garden soup,, I would love to win:)) Have a great day,
mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com
Thank you so much for this chance! Would love to win one of these. It would great for the mini I want to do for my sister; who loves working in her yard and gardens...Pj days are great!!! Glad you are feeling better
I am a follower and right now I am sitting on my couch blog hopping on my iPad while watching War Horse. I should be washing dishes but this is just way more fun :)
Thanks for the chance to win!
Glad to hear you're doing better! I already follow your wonderful blog. Right now I am reading your blog, finishing my cold frappucino as I cool down from cleaning house.
Hi Michelle I'm happy to hear you're feeling better! I am taking a break for a bit after making breakfast for and saying goodbye to SIL and her family. Then I'm heading out to weed my gardens. Ah I love the springtime!! This cart has been on my wishlist, I would love to win it, thank you for the chance!! Hugs,Colleen Sigurdson
Just became a follower! Love seeing your work and glad you are feeling better!
Thank you for the chance to win!!
Just sitting here writing reports for conferences for tomorrow.
I am a follower and love your blog! Thanks for giving us the chance to win the newest Cricut Cartridge! Love you ideas and creations.
I'm a follower of your blog. Right now, I am taking time for me to just read blogs and get updates and get some inspiration for some upcoming projects I need to do.
Thanks for a chance to win a great cartridge.
dietzrobles at yahoo dot com
I have been a follower of yours for awhile now and am enjoying following it. Right now I am sitting here, sucking on a popcicle. Just had a gallbladder surgery and had some complications, but everyday is getting better. Using this as my excuse to be on the computer and not have work to do! LOL
I am a follower and I have your button. Now I'm a subscriber, too. At this point I'm reading the MB hoping to get a great idea to create. Garden Soup is on my wish list and I really hope I'm one of the lucky ones. Thanks for the candy.
Teresa Pirie, this spot is for you! : ) I hate when Blogger doesn't cooperate! But now you will have a chance to win!
So glad you're feeling better. I'm sitting in my sweats (it's cold here today) drinking coffee and checking the blogs out. Thanks for the chance at Garden Soup sure hope I'm one of the lucky ones seems like a great cart!
I have been a follower of your blog for some time. I love reading it! I also enjoy all the projects and cards you share with us. Right now I am trying to decide what pictures I want to scrapbook next. I have all my tools out and ready to go.
We just got our son packed up and back to college for his last 3 weeks of the year. Had my nap and now having some computer time. glad you are feeling better. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Glad you are feeling better. I am a follower. I am going through blogs waiting until it is time to go to work...........:(............thanks for the chance to win
kcrazykcrafters at msn dot com
Happy to hear you are feeling better....I am a follower, thanks for the chance to win. I am pretty much sitting in front of the computer looking like you........In my Pj's , hair everywhere etc. etc.
I am a follower now!!
Thanks for doing a great giveaway! That cart. looks great to use for my garden pics! bringler@att.net
Of course I am a follower! I am sitting here catching up on emails and facebook. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love your work..thinnk I'm a follower....would love tyo play with this cart..thankw for your generosity.
I am a follower too. I'm sitting here checking out facebook and blogs. Thanks for the giveaway.
♥ Your Blog! I am taking a break from pulling up floor tiles and trying to think up a way to get out of doing any more ;)
Already a follower! Glad you're doing well!!
I already follow your blog with GFC. Love it. Right now I am just reading a few blog that I follow.
Thanks so much for the chance to win.
tderosa142 at gmail dot com
I of course follow you!!! I am just finishing up dinner on the grill and going to my Moms to start her dinner Via feeding tube. Thanks for the chance I really want this one. Lsunflower58@aol.com
I just became a follower and I am sitting here at the computer waiting for my husband to wake up from a nap so we can visit his Mom and then his aunt in their respective nursing homes. This cartridge looks interesting, I don't think I have ever seen it before!
I am sitting in my comfie chair with my computer reading your blog etc! And yes, I am too, in y PJ's early!!! I follow your blog.
Already a follower. I am just sitting down to the computer after a very long day with the kids. Relaxing. Thanks for the chance.
I just woke up from a nap and am taking advantage of some free time to web surf! I am already a follower, thanks for a chance to win!
I made a pot of sauce earlier today so right now I am waiting for a pot of water to boil. :D
I decided to check on the Circle boards and saw your post. I'm a follower & frequent "scraplifter" of your awesome art/ideas. Thanks for the chance to win.
At this moment I am at Chicago ohare airport reading my followed blogs. I already am subscribed to you. Glad you are feeling better.
I"m allready subscribed too, and am glad you are feeling better. Love your projects and eager to see what reneewed vigor will bring forth
Already a follower! I'm recovering from a "crop hangover" - 2-1/2 days of cropping...whew!
I am a follower and HUGE fan of all the elements of your work! I'm working on a first communion card - need to get it finished and out the door by Wednesday. Thanks for the opportunity to win, but more importantly, thanks for the wonderful projects which always inspire!
I have been a long time follower of your blog and enjoy your creations! Last night was my daughter's junior prom so I am going through over 300 pictures trying to figure out which ones are worthy of printing for scrapbooking. The pictures are just amazing of my daughter and her friends!
scrappindhilly at gmail dot com
I just got home from Ft Wayne IN was at an AAMA medical conference. I am now a follower. Thanks for the giveaway. Lisa
I am a follower and also have crazy hair right now too! It is been dark and rainy all day and a great craft day!
I am already a follower (love seeing what you are up to). I am on my Mom's iPad catching up with the forum. Hearing that lots of people are in their pj's is making me think of getting mine!
Just started following your blog. Right now? Getting ready to start dinner....
I am already a follower! Thanks for the chance at the great blog candy!
I am also a follower-love checking out your projects and enjoy taking a chance to win some goodies :)
I just joined your blog. I love your projects. I am working on dinner at the moment.
Thank you for the wonderful chance to win a cartridge.
Well as of right now, i am sitting here listening to the rain, looking at your wonderful blog and enjoying the rest of a wonderful birthday that was spent with my family.
I'm already a follower because I love your blog! I'm sitting in my living room watching TV with my sister taking in some relaxation time after putting my son to bed... ahhh...
I am now a follower. Great giveaway!! I am supposed to be sleeping because I have to work but I can't sleep because I ate too many chocolate covered espresso beans, lol so, I am watching Bones and reading the cricut message board(and looking at differnt blogs).
I am now a follower!! Thank you for the great giveaway. I really need to get to bed, but I have been making paper dolls with the Teen Scene cart and looking at blogs. Love your blog!
Just sitting here on the CC MB and saw your post. What a great give away.
Hi I’m a new follower and right now I’m watching tonight's Hallmark Movie!!! I love those movies!!!
Sorry you haven't been well, but glad to hear you've been getting back to your crafting!
I think this is one cute cartridge, and I'd love to create with it. Thanks for wanting to share with us lucky followers! I am of course following you already. Right at the moment I am watching Celebrity Apprentice and catching up with blogs on my lap-top!
Enjoy your week, Michele!
I already am a blog follower. I am playing online drinking wine when I should be working and planning for work tomorrow! Thanks!
Of course I'm already a follower and I have your badge too. Your blog is always a must-read! So glad you're feeling better!!
I am already a follower. Thanks for the chance to win. I am happy you getting better. I have been out of the scrapbooking game for about a month due to a move and actually scrapbooked today and feel so good. I really missed it.
I'm going through Google reader before I head to bed. Am a follower and enjoy each and every single post on your lovely blog. Thanks for the chance to win a cartridge!
I'm taking a break from a very tedious project, listening to my gospel music and reading my blogger dashboard (following your blog... of course)! Drooling over this cartridge... it would have been perfect for my project...those snails are too cute, I'm finishing a baby mini album that's got the cutest snails, turtles and elephants on it... I just embellished one of the snails with a teeny tiny button, threaded with brown thread !
P.S. So glad you're feeling better!
What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! And, I bet your hair looks really cute sticking up in all directions! :) Of course, I'm sitting in the "office" cruising the Cricut MB right now! :)
I am already a follower. I just finished a layout-yeah!
I'm already a follower. Great giveaway, I'm sitting here waiting for the kiddo to get done playing Mario because it's almost bed time. :-) Then it's crafty time for me!
I'm a follower and I just finished an on-line Macroeconomics quiz....going back to school at 'almost' 40 is tough....now I'm getting ready to hit the sack and rest my brain!!
How sweet of you! I have had my eye on this cartridge! I have been following you for a long time and always look forward to your posts. Also enjoy your visits to our blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Right now, I am sitting on the computer with TIVO Apprentice in the background trying to catch up on commenting my favorite blogs. I too, have a great cup of coffee. My hair (what's left of it) is sticking up many directions, but I don't have enough for a million. Hee! Hee! Since most of your followers are women, I must admit that I am a bald guy follower. Hee! Hee! cricut couple at gmail dot com
Oh how fun! I am sitting at my puter too, drink a hot cup of coffee and trying to be quiet as my DH is snoring away. See what happens when I can't sleep? I start a little blog hopping! Glad you are feeling better Michele. And what a great giveaway ... someone is going to be thrilled!
Yep, I'm a follower too ... just love seeing all your beautiful creations!
I am a follower and thanks for the wonderful giveaway. I am having a cup of tea before heading off to bed, work comes early in the morning.
motherloves3 at hotmail dot com
I just started following your blog, and right now I am sitting at work, hoping the time will pass just a little quicker...
Thanks for the chance to win!
Would love to win, am going to become a follower. Love your blog thanks for chance to win cart.
I am a follower of you wonderful blog already and enjoy it immensely. Right now I am finish shopping at Joann's to get the free shipping. Ordered some DCWV paperstacks. Thanks so much for the chance to win. I would really love to have this cart. Melissa
I am sitting on the computer in my jammies thinking I should go to bed! I am now a follower of your blog. Thanks for the chance at such generous blog candy!
I am getting ready for bed after a long day at church. I am a new follower of your blog. Looking forward to seeing your creations!
Welcome back! I'm a follower,just catching up on things since sleep is eluding me and wishing I had one of those raspberry drinks someone mentioned earlier!
I am a follower already to your wonderful blog and visit regular. I also subscribe through google reader. I am also sitting in my pj's debating if I should go to bed beings it is almost 2:30 am. Gotta be up early for my Moms PT in the morning.
angel hugs
Hi, i am a loyal follower and have been since I opened my own blog. I love to read about the things you get into and how creative you are. You have inspired me more than one time. I also proudly wear your button on my blog. I am working on some shop signs for a friend of mine who has opened his own nail tech store. I will be making banners and window signs with his logo on it. He is ticked to death he found someone to do this for little or nothing.
Anyway, thanks so much for your generous blog candy!!!
Hi Michele!
Glad to hear you're feeling better :) I am a follower of your wonderful blog! I just came home from our Sunday family dinner...I am trying to relax a bit before getting the kids to bed. Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous cartridge! You're so sweet! I'm always inspired by all of your BEAUTIFUL & AMAZING projects....thank you :) have a wonderful week! :o)
It's 3:30 AM where I am right now. Coffee in hand and reading your blog. I subscribe and so enjoy your craftiness. Many thanks.
"I am sitting in my PJ's, drinking coffee, with my hair sticking up in a million directions.....not a pretty sight I tell ya!"
That's EXACTLY what I'm doing and how I look right now. It's 4:30 am here. :0)
It is Monday morning and I am sitting here in my pj's getting ready to get the kids up for school. I am a follower, love your blog!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
fillhardfarm at ymail dot com
Just became a follower. Sitting here having a cup of coffee before heading off to work. Thanks for the chance to win one of these cartridges. Love your blog!
good morning! i'm already at work..but the first thing i do is check my email! glad to hear you are doing better!
and i am already a follower! mea57_98
Drinking coffee and trying to wake up. I am already a follower.
I'm doing the exact same thing -- with the same hair -- as you! I'm already a follower and really love your blog. I appreciate you sharing your work. It's a great source of inspiration for me! Plus our girls are the about the same age - so that's cool also :-) Bridget had to ask her (chicken) date to her prom also.
I am also sitting at my pc drinking coffee trying to wake up! I'm hoping to work on some layouts today.
I too am sitting n pj's, drinking coffee and catching up on "news"
Right now I am laying in bed with my 11 yr old cuddled up on one arm, so I am one handed typing. Love mornings.
kidshomelove at yahoo dot com
Glad you are feeling better. I am celebrating my 40th birthday today!!! I am so grateful to have accomplished so much in my life, I am a mother of 3, wife to a great guy, lived in two states, graduated college, owned 2 houses and several cars. Hoping to get something created today but heading to lunch with friends then dinner with the family!!!! Hope I win!!!
Glad to hear you are feeling better. I too am in PJs reading this in bed on Monday morning.
Hi~ I'm glad you are feeling better! I've been a follower for some time now, your badge is on my blog. As always this time of day I am sitting in my robe drinking tea and catching up on blog friends!
~Linda Marino
At the moment, I am just like you sans the coffee! Take care.
It is Monday morning and I am glad you are feeling better. I am suppose to be getting ready for work but instead I am reading your blog and drinking choc milk. I have been a follower for a while.
Thanks and have a great day.
I'm a follower through google and right now, I am hanging out in my PJ's with a cup of coffee getting inspired. ;) Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
I'm already a following you through feedblitz. I too am sitting around in my jammies with my hair a hot mess! Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. Thank you for giving away such a cutie cartridge!
Sitting with my grandbabies trying to decide what project to finish when I get home...or start a new one...hmmmm.
You are so thoughtful, Michele. I am a follower and have been for a really long time. Thanks for the chance.
Just started following you! Added your link to my site as well. Glad to have come across your post. Great ideas and projects! Love this cartridge...had not seen it before, but now I want it!!! lol Thanks for sharing!!
I am currently getting ready to shower and go to bed after a LONG night at work! Glad to hear you are feeling better!
glad you're feeling better!!
I'm a subscriber to your feed...always inspirational Michele!
I became a follower as I sit at my desk at work deciding which project to take on next, wishing I could just be home with my Cricut!
Glad you are feeling better! I'm sitting at work, reading your blog, thinking about opening this banana and sneezing a lot because I was out for a week and my allergies always get to me when I come back to the office after being gone for a bit!
I am a follower :)
I am 1/2 dressed eating my cocoa wheats in my big mug. YUM!!!
Very cold this am :(
Sandy@ turtlelover@firehousemail.com
Glad to hear you are feeling better. There is nothing worse than a Spring cold.
I have been a follower for awhile and your posts always inspire or move me.
I am sitting searching the internet for a Mother's Day card to scraplift and I remembered reading the post with your card.
Thanks for the inspiration and chance to win.
Good luck everyone.
I am a follower. I am trying to get work done, but I am a little distracted! Glad to hear you are feeling better.
quebectrip at sbcglobal dot net
I'm an email subscriber! I am sitting here in my pjs drinking my decaf (wish it were full leaded) coffee and reading all my blog feeds! I volunteer at a special needs school that my son attends making scrapbooks with the kids there. They learn hand eye co-ordination, motor skills and following direction. I'll be heading there this morning. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I am a follower. I am in my PJ's reading emails and looking at blogs, wishing it was warm outside.
I am a follower and love your blog. So glad that you are feeling better, this nasty stuff is hanging on forever it seems like. When I first read your email I was also in my pj's reading a book when I heard your bleep bleep, but this morning I am dressed, doing laundry and trying to get my creative juices flowing! Your posts always brighten up my day, thanks for sharing!
Good morning! I'm a follower and also still in my pjs, drinking coffee, checking out blogs I follow and wishing my legs and feet weren't so sore from standing all day yesterday in 93 degree weather cheering on my daughter and her friends on while they ran the 5K Survivor Mud Run! Can't wait to do THAT layout LOL!
Not one but two give-aways? You're going to make TWO people very happy! Very sweet of you. :-)
I'm one of your lonnnnnnnnnng time followers! ;-)
Thanks so much for a chance to win one of these carts.
Ohhhh, hate to admit it, but I'm still in bed, on my laptop! LOL
I am now a follower of your blog.
I love your creativity. You are so inspiring. Right now I am working on a graduation banner. (just chec
ked the mb to get some ideas) thanks for the chance to win.
I am a follower! I am in pj's, having coffee, doing 2nd load of laundry with uncombed hair!
Thanks for the giveaway.
I just joined as a follower. I'm sitting in my pj's and am working from home today.
Right now I too am in my hot pink cheetah print PJs, so comfy !! I am listening to the news on the TV,
gotta know what's happening out in this world. Also catching up on the blog world happenings. We must multi-task in order to have time to craft, the dessert of life !!!
leighkalbfleisch at hotmail dot com
Glad you are feeling back on track. What a bummer it is to be ill. I'd love to win this cartridge which I do not have. Imagine that! Thanks for the opportunity to win. I'm getting a slow start to this day. Haven't gotten a thing done yet.
I Just started following and I am also in my PJ's, yes I know it is 3:27 pm but Its been that kinda day! Cant wait to get back into crafting, since I have been on a break. :)
I have been a follower of your blog for some time now! I love visiting and seeing what you have created! Thank you for the chance to win.
I am sitting at my computer drinking hot tea and trying to warm up after coming out of the snow! lol!
I'm a long time follower through blogger, and right this minute I am at work! Shhh don't tell anyone!
shellyliabraaten at gmail dot com
Thank you for the chance. Glad you are feeling better. That was me a couple weeks ago and it was no fun!Been a follower and love your projects.
Thanks for the chance to win..I am already a follower!
Hi there and Glad that you are doing way better!! I just choked when I saw that you were giving this cartridge away...2!!!!! I have been wanting this for some time and have had a hard time finding it...I do not to too much ordering online so I depend on my local stores for them...I have been a follower on your blog since I became a Cricut circle member!! I am getting ready to go for a motorcycle ride with hubby..Beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest!!!!Thanks for the chance to win a very awesome Cartridge!!!
ilovetonkinese2 at hotmail dot com
Glad you are feeling better! I am sitting in my pj's too! :-)))))
I am already a follower!
I am way behind with crafting projects, but when there is a will there is a way~
I am already a follower, hope you feel better soon. I am sitting here trying to come up with some inspiration to finish a project.
Wishing you well. I'm a follower. Thanks for the giveaway! I'm watching my recorded "the voice" shows from my dvr. Looking over the ckc lancaster scrapbook expo class list and getting ready to register tomorrow.
How nice of you to be so sweet about not feeling up to posting - so glad you're better!
I'm sitting at the dining table in our great room reading e-mail while my family winds down from their day!
I'm following (I thought I already was - sometimes this bloggy stuff gets confusing to me...)
I just became a follower. I was transplanting basil but alas, it's dark now so I am in the recliner, watching The Voice.
Already a follower! Hanging out waiting to put the kids to bed so I can do some crafting! Thanks for the chance to win!
qtme2003 at yahoo dot ca
Glad to see you are on the mend!
thescrapbookgirl@ yahoo
I'm sitting in my craftroom working on an altered photo frame and checking emails when I saw your message on Cricutcutter Yahoo group. Now I'm totally distracted from the project and checking out your inspiring blog.
This may be an under the wire post. I am a follower and am sitting here catching up on FB, Blogs and emails since I have been out of town for a few days.
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