Monday, November 18, 2013

Get Well......Vintage Style...And a Giveaway!

Whew! What a whirlwind this past weekend has been!  I have been a taxi driver for much of it and hiding in the basement during our recent storms here in Chicago.  Fortunately, we had no damage and our area was not affected greatly.  There are parts of Illinois that were not so lucky.  Prayers are needed to help these people get their lives back together.

I have a Crafty Secret's card to share with you today.  This little gal is from the Feeling Yucky set.  I colored her with my Copic Markers.  I used the Spellbinders' Resplendent Rectangle's     die set.  I added subtle coloring while the die was still in place and Tim Holtz Distress Ink. 
I added rhinestones to the corners to bring out the red. 
I bought mini silverware pieces awhile back and was excited to use the spoon on this card.  I mixed red paint and glossy accents to emulate cough syrup. ;)
I colored her tray and cut it out by hand.  I popped it up with a dimensional circles. 
Since Thanksgiving is around the corner and it is the time of year to reflect on what you are thankful for, I wanted to take this time to thank all of you. 
Thank you for visiting me and leaving such sweet comments.
I am a total slacker in the comment department. 
I have intentions of leaving comments and them somehow time gets away from me.
The day just isn't long enough lately.....
I apologize for that.  I will try and be better!

So what do you have to do to win ALL of this?
Just leave a comment telling me what you are most thankful for.

If you pin my giveaway to Pinterest, your personal blog, or post about it on Facebook, come back and leave a second, third, or fourth comment to be entered two, three, or four times depending on how many places you post it.   :)
If you are new to my blog and become a follower, leave a second comment letting me know, so you can be entered a second time also!

I will pick ONE winner on Friday, November 22nd at 10PM CST.
Good luck and have a great week!!


Mrs. Nancy G said...

Hey there! We just finished sending off a family from church as missionaries. I am thankful for the Messina family for reminding me to serve God more.

Thanks for letting me share!

Mrs. Nancy G said...

I'm a longtime follower of your blog.

(See what I am thankful for above.)

Mrs. Nancy G said...

I also pinned your post on my Crafty/DIY MoJo board on Pinterest.


Jan Scholl said...

I am thankful for being able to live in a town where I can go outside any time of day or night and feel safe to run at midnight if I choose. I grew up in Flint and being so close to that still yet being able to do this, well, darned lucky I think.

Jan Scholl said...

Put this on Pinterest under Giveaways.

Glennis F said...

I am thankful for lovely bloggers like you - I have learnt so much in my cardmaking journey

Glennis F said...

Forgot to say that I am a follower and have been for some time

Sheri said...

I have that little nurse set and it has never looked this good! Great job! I love your giveaway! I am thankful for my husband who I almost lost three weeks ago. It was a very scary time. I am not sure we are completely in the clear but we are a lot better than we were.

I have followed your blog forever! Love your work!

Sheri said...

Oh I am a follower as well!

Primitive Seasons said...

Have become a follower and will advertise your give away on my blog. This is such a generous prize. Good luck to everyone!


Primitive Seasons said...

I pinned your contest post on Pinterest too!


ribbons75 said...

I am thankful for my family. I lost a family member earlier this year, and just kinda opens my eyes to how suddenly things change.

ribbons75 said...

I am thankful for my family. I lost a family member earlier this year, and just kinda opens my eyes to how suddenly things change.

ribbons75 said...

Reposted on Pinterest!!!

Regina said...

First of all I am thankful for being a believer in God and I'm thankful for my wonderful family! I am so thankful that I have a hobby that gives me so many great places to meet wonderful people. I am really thankful that I have a great husband that encourages my hobby! Hugs

Linda said...

Love your card and that adorable stamped image! I am so thankful for my family and this wonderful hobby! Thanks for the chance.

ezwiefelhofer said...

I am so thankful for our Heavenly Father and my family that loves e unconditionally!

Colleen said...

Good to hear that you made it through them storms safely. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who weren't so lucky. With the holidays upon us, all them could use our prayers and support. My heart goes out to each and everyone of the storm victims.
I am very thankful of my family and of my beloved husband of 45 years. No matter how good or how bad, I feel that I truly have been blessed in so many ways.

Colleen said...

I receive your newsletter and have been a follower for some time now.
Wonderful giveaway.
Thank you for this opportunity.

Estelle in New Mexico said...

Just found your blog...what a talent you have. Thank you for sharing it! I am thankful for my family, my wonderful husband, 3 grown children who have blessed me with 7 grandchildren..I have been truly blessed and my family is blessed. I am thankful for my health.

Estelle in New Mexico said...

Just found your blog...what a talent you have. Thank you for sharing it! I am thankful for my family, my wonderful husband, 3 grown children who have blessed me with 7 grandchildren..I have been truly blessed and my family is blessed. I am thankful for my health.

Estelle in New Mexico said...

Love the card with the is so cute...I want it! LOL Will have to get it ordered. I am thankful that there are so many wonderful people willing to share their talents & taking time to create these blogs for us to visit & learn from. Thank you for sharing something you love!

Dawn Miner said...

I am thankful for my wonderful family and friends.

SherriB said...

I am most thankful for my family and friends!

SherriB said...

I just became a follower of your blog! :)

Debby said...

I just became a follower of your blog. I have some time this A.M. so thought I would check in. Sure glad I did.

Debby said...

In my secod comment, I have to say I am thankful for a God that is forgiving and loving. I have done some stupid things in my life and am thankful that that is all behind me and it's not on a list to hold me back.

Diane Hodrick said...

Wow! What a great give away. I love your nurse card. As a nurse, I rarely see one I enjoy, but this one would make me smile.

Most thankful for - would have be that I am healthy and have healthy children....hope it lasts a lifetime.

Thanks, Michele.

Debby said...

I have to comment a third tome as I am grateful that there is an eternal life in Christ. My
mother in law died last month and I am so happy she is free of her illness and is in heaven happy and praising her Lord. Amen!!! And, probably keeping score in a basketball game with two of her grandchildren!!!

vdoyle8 said...

I love your card -- genius to pop up the tray. Those extra steps you take always make your cards so special and beautiful. I'm thankful you are so generous in sharing your work. I find it very inspiring.
I am also grateful that my husband's cancer surgery went well.

Pam said...

Your card is so cute! I love the dimension and the spoon coated in "cough syrup", too cute! I am thankful for my family and especially my father, he is 90 years old and in good health and goes walking every day using his walker.
Thank you for sharing your lovely creations!

Darlene said...

You are just amazing!
I am thankful for friends like you! Who continually inspires me both in my crafting and in life's ups & downs!
Please do not put my name in the hat for choosing the winner. I just wanted to let you know just how important your friendship is to me!
Your card is absolutely awesome and I too LOVE what you've done with the spoon ... you are SO CREATIVE!

Pam said...

I shared your giveaway on my Pinterest page! Thanks for the chance to win!

Pam said...

I shared your Giveaway photo on my Facebook page.Again, thank you for the chance to win!

Debbie (from Sugar Land) said...

I'm thankful for the strength I've been given to weather rough times and come out the other side a better person for it. My family and friends have truly been supportive of me during this time - I'm thankful for them.

Pam said...

I have posted your giveaway on my blog! Thank you so much for the chance to win your awesome giveaway!

Sue Kosec said...

At this time in my life, I am most grateful for the gift I've been given to be able to craft and make beautiful creations. And, of course, my wonderful husband!!!!

oma b - MaryBeth said...

I am most thankful for a loving, compassionate, forgiving God. With Him leading me in life now, I have found compassion, forgiveness, and peace for myself.

oma b - MaryBeth said...

I pinned your giveaway! :)

oma b - MaryBeth said...

I started following your blog.

JJewel said...

Hello !!

Following your blog !

Put a link on my blog to your giveaway!

Added your button to my blog!

I am thankful for my job and the health care it includes at a reasonable cost in such hard economic times.

KimCreate said...

Hi, what a great giveaway. I'm most thankful for a healthy family and for god's blessings.

Carolyn said...

Love the card...the spoon was precious! I am so very thankful for my wonderful spouse. I had a less than nice one the first go-round and this one is heaven sent. He lets me be me.....and even loves me for it!

Sabrina said...

I am thankful for all 6 of my grandchildren. They always make me smile.

Sabrina said...

I pinned your adorable card on Pintrest in my Inspired cards folder.

R said...

I'm most thankful for family, friends, and having a job to go to everyday. Thanks for a chance to win.


CottageRose said...

What a precious card; I LOVE Crafty Secrets! Always love your blog and great projects, Michele. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

CottageRose said...

What a precious card; I LOVE Crafty Secrets! Always love your blog and great projects, Michele. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

CottageRose said...

Hi, Michele
Just signed up as a follower, also.

Melissa said...

Darling card, love the spoon with that sweet image. Today I would say I am thankful for my hubby.

Meredith said...

This card is amazing! I'm most thankful for my friends and family.

Meredith245 at yahoo dot com

Meredith said...

I signed up to follow your blog.

Meredith said...

Pinned this link on pinterest!

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

I am thankful for this creative hobby that I have and the ability to enjoy my craft.

Sherry said...

My children, hands down. I am so thankful that God has blessed me with children, even if one is in Heaven. I cherish the time I got to spend with her. The other two drive me nuts, but I wouldn't trade them for anything!! lol

Sherry said...

I pinned on Pinterest. :)

Gina piazza said...

Awesome, adorable card!
I am thankful for everything; my family,
Friends, my dogs, living in the USA, and so much more! Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win...

scootingranny said...

What a cute, cute card. I love Crafty Secret images! And what a great giveaway!

What am I thankful for? Having my family here, all healthy and looking forward to being all together at Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win And I am Thankful for my family and friends

Terri said...

I am thankful that this holiday season brings me not 1but 2 new great nieces or nephews.

Unknown said...

I am most thankful for my family and my health. Thanks for a chance at this awesome giveaway :)

Sue S.

nallian said...

I am thankful for my family!

nallian said...

Reposted on Pinterest!!!!I am also thankful for Pinterest even though it exhausts me thinking of what I need to do!

Josie0602 said...

I am most grateful for the additional time I have gotten to have my mom still with us. She was diagnosed with breast cancer last year and we have been told countless times that she wont be with us for a lot longer. She keeps fighting through it though.

Josie0602 said...

Posted on Pinterest!

Unknown said...

I'm so thankful for the my Salvation, a loving family, and good health.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower of your blog.

Diane said...

Love the Crafty Secrets line and your nurse is adorable....creative with the little spoon too!!

Diane said...

I am a new follower, and I am MOST thankful, living in Michigan that all we lost was our power during the recent storms...we still have no power, but we have our home and lives...for that I am very thankful!!

Diane said...

I pinned you on my board Paper Crafts...thanks for the chance!!

snappy scrappy said...

Fab card...super cute image. Love the cough syrup detail. Long time follower of your blog. I'm most thankful for my wonderful family...only a few more weeks and my daughter will be home from University too...can't wait!

Pam Miller said...

I am thankful for all the health care providers, doctors, nurses, and everyone working to hopefully find a cure for cancer. My oldest daughter was fighting breast cancer 4 years ago and thankfully doing well. This past two months my youngest daughter has started her fight. 1 out of every 7 women will get breast cancer. I know one day we will find a cure. Until then I will keep them all in my prayers.

Pam Miller said...

I am thankful for all the health care providers, doctors, nurses, and everyone working to hopefully find a cure for cancer. My oldest daughter was fighting breast cancer 4 years ago and thankfully doing well. This past two months my youngest daughter has started her fight. 1 out of every 7 women will get breast cancer. I know one day we will find a cure. Until then I will keep them all in my prayers.

Pam Miller said...

I am thankful for all the health care providers, doctors, nurses, and everyone working to hopefully find a cure for cancer. My oldest daughter was fighting breast cancer 4 years ago and thankfully doing well. This past two months my youngest daughter has started her fight. 1 out of every 7 women will get breast cancer. I know one day we will find a cure. Until then I will keep them all in my prayers.

Unknown said...

Almost 12 years ago my mother was dying from adnoid cystic cancer (a very rare type) for Christmas she asked all 7 of her children what would they want if we had three wishes. I was the only one that asked for something for someone else besides myself. My first wish was to be able to have the money to send my two daughters to college, my second was to find a good church home (and i have since then found one and I am an active member), and my third was to take her cancer away. My first two wishes were granted one by my mother herself and she also made sure I graduated from college. The last I am sad to report wasnt granted but I am thankful that God gave me 7 extra years with my mother that the doctors told us we were never to have and I am thankful for everything she has taught me that makes me the wonderful teacher I am and the teacher she never got to be. Shortly before my mother passed I found out that her dream was to be a teacher but she had never went after her dream after having her children. I am just so undoubtably thankful that I can carry on her legacy.

Donna said...

That card is really cute! I really like your cough syrup idea. :o)

Thank you for the opportunity to win something. It is great how you are willing to share with others.

Donna said...

I put a post on Facebook for your giveaway. Thanks again for the opportunity.Blessings!

Pam said...

Darling card! I'm thankful for my 5 grandsons!

Denise Bryant said...

Darling card! I love all that pretty layering!
I am thankful to have a job with good benefits.

Emma P said...

I am a newer follower and I must say your cards are inspiring! Just the sort of style I want to evolve! I am great flu for my family and friends because without them I would have given up my dream already.

Deneen said...

I am thankful for my family, especially my husband who is always there for me. Your card is adorable! I am a new follower to your blog. Thanks for the chance!

Janet M said...

My Mom has been so sick lately so I most thankful to Jesus for providing us with some wonderful doctors. said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com said...

I posted about your give away on my FB page.

JaniceA said...

I am thankful for God in my life, my family, and my friends.

JaniceA said...

New follower, I thought I was but I guess not.

Lizzie said...

pinned it :)

Lizzie said...

I am most thankful for all the blessings in my health, family friends, job and a roof over my head. I am also happy that I can inspire others with the way our family cares for my youngest with special needs that helps make the world a better place.

KT Fit Kitty said...

Hello - What a beautiful card and I love how you added some medicine to the spoon - so cute! And I like how you popped up the tray.

Thank you for your giveaway - I am most thankful for my family and friends, my health, my cats.

Wishing you a joyful day!

KT Fit Kitty said...

I am back to tell you that I am your newest follower - No. 2055 - WOW - that's a lot of followers! Looking forward to seeing all your creations.

All my best to you,
KT Fit Kitty

Earline said...

I am thankful to God for my health and strength sometime I admit I complain about things but in the mist of it I hear or see something that remind me that I may not have what I want but that other or in a need more then me I am reminded to see other and there needs and to bless them. Thank God he still deal with me.

tbear said...

I am so thankful for each day. God is so good! I am a new follower of your blog and am excited to see what is to come.

cjgusloff57 said...

I am thankful for family, friends,a roof over my head, the country (USA) I live in, my husband and our good health. God Bless us all!
Corrine Ann

cjgusloff57 said...

I have just started to follow your blog. Thankful for your inspiration and wonderful give away!

MulticrafterAmy said...

I am most thankful for the Family I have been blessed with. Sweet card! :)

mckcampbell said...

I am thankful that we still live in a Country that allows us to vice our opinions and worship how we want. Also, for people like you and so many others that share.

mckcampbell said...

I am thankful that we still live in a Country that allows us to vice our opinions and worship how we want. Also, for people like you and so many others that share.

wannabcre8tive said...

I am thankful for all that God does for me and how He continues to bless me.

wannabcre8tive said...

I pinned your card on facebook.

wannabcre8tive said...

Became a follower.

Unknown said...

Thankful for the beautiful surroundings in nature - God is good.

Noreen said...

Your card is so cute - I love the little spoon you attached! I'm thankful for my family, and that we all are in good health.

Crafty Journal

Marsha said...

I love your nurse card. Such a clever idea with the Stickles!

Marsha said...

I love your nurse card. Such a clever idea with the Stickles!

Marsha said...

I'm grateful for having the time to craft and make things for my family--whom I'm also grateful for.

Marsha said...

Just posted your blog to Pinterest.

susjc said...

I'm thankful for so many things, but most thankful to God for all His blessings to my family. We have been blessed with 5 beautiful grandchildren and have food, shelter and enough love to spread to family and friends.

Kim B said...

So thankful for Jesus, my family and lovely blogs to follow. I would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

Kim B said...

So thankful for Jesus, my family and lovely blogs to follow. I would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

Maria said...

I'm thankful for God, family, and friends! I'm also thankfful for the craft blogging community where so many sweet people share their talents with others...thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

LauraB said...

I am thankful for on-line art tutorials!! We have no local mixed media artists to learn from so I have become a keyboard clickin midnight art mama!

LauraB said...

I am thankful for on-line art tutorials!! We have no local mixed media artists to learn from so I have become a keyboard clickin midnight art mama!

LauraB said...

I am now following you on Pinterest!!!

LauraB said...

I am now following your BLOG! yay!!

LauraB said...

I just posted about your amazing giveaway on Facebook!

chignon said...

Love your card and creative ideas! I am thankful for education, I can read, share ideas and am blessed to work at a school where I witness young kids experiencing the joy of learning every day.

Kathy/NorthCarolina said...

This is the cutest get well card i've ever seen, Michele! You always come up with the most clever designs. I'm most thankful that my dear husband is out of the hospital and back home with me! Hugs!

Jill Rugg said...

Love the spoon on the card-great idea! I am a long time follower!

Jill Rugg said...

I am thankful for a healthy, loving and close knit family!

Anonymous said...

Have to give props to the one that makes it all happen!

I'm most thankful for God. His love and grace are endless. I'm so blessed.

Anonymous said...

And now I have to tell you how STINKIN' CUTE THAT CARD IS!!! LOVE IT!

Kristin said...

This card is ADORABLE! I also have to say that I am most Thankful for the fact that I just took a breath. October 23 I was in a Coma, I have two children 18 and 10. My son is going to graduate and I certainly want to see that happen, my daughter is just amazing and I want to see her grow up. None of us are granted tomorrow and I wish more people didn't take that for granted. You could not have told me a couple of weeks ago that I would spend 20 hours in a coma, not even know who I was. I know I am blessed to have more time on this earth. Hug your kids everyday and tell them you love them, you may not have another chance.

scrappyone said...

I am thankful for family. I am a follower of your blog.

tonka50 said...

Your nurse card is really cute. I miss seeing all the great things you created in our Cricut Circle magazine. I am thankful for my 10 healthy grandchildren and that some of them enjoy crafting with me!

Jodie R said...

Adorable card, Michele!!

I am so thankful for my kids and hubby! They are my rocks and The reason I get up every day!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Janis said...

I'm a long time follower..I am Thankful for all my wonderful family & friends. Also, very thankful for my on-line friends who inspire me to create, play & be as creative as I can.
I'm also thankful you are having this awesome give-away. :)

Janis said...

I also pinned this on pinterest.

Janis said...

I also just posted this to facebook...

Dorlene Durham said...

I have so many things to be thankful for but one more than anything is my family. I am so blessed to have a wonderful supportive and absolutely funny family that I love spending time with.

Thanks for the giveaway and good luck to all that leave a comment!

Jennie C said...

Wow--Thanks for the contest. I read about it on the Cricut message boards.

Today I am most thankful that I have another day here on earth. What a blessing that is and I love it!

Jennie C said...

I also pinned the contest on Pinterest, which is another great blessing in my life (just not the most important one).

Papercrafting Princess said...

What an adorable card!!! And an instant smile for the receiver. LOVE the spoon idea totally cute! I am thankful for my family, dear friends, a piece of mind and employment. Although my job ends 12/31/13, I am confident HE is preparing me for my next destination. Be blessed!

Papercrafting Princess said...

I'm posting again to mention I am new to your blog and is now following you! Thank you for the opportunity to win this Cool prize!

Unknown said...

I am thankful for a happy, healthy family. I am thankful for all the little blessings in my life. And I am thankful for all the wonderfully crafty bloggers like you.

pattyk said...

Thankful for family and two new Great Grand babys due in march and may!

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