Sunday, March 23, 2025

Faith & Gratitude

I know my posts have been more scattered and further apart.  I am not even sure how many people actually come here anymore.  But if you are one of the few that still do, I thought I'd give a quick life update.  The last 5 months have been challenging and emotional.  My mom was recently diagnosed with dementia and her husband just lost his ability to drive.  My mother-in-law also has dementia and was recently placed in memory care after leaving the house at 2 AM. It was a wake up call that my father-in-law is unable to care for her any longer.  My husband is an only child, so  it has been just him and me handling everything.  We sold their house, had his dad move in with us, and shortly after he caught CoVid.  He was hospitalized  with pneumonia.   He fortunately beat it and is now in rehab for low blood pressure and weakness.  We think he also depressed with everything that has transpired these last few months.  All the while, we have been trying to work our jobs, bring Cortney home, and fundraising for Misericordia.  Needless to say any free time lately has been sparse.  
When I saw these cards, they spoke to me.
I've had to lean into my faith a lot.
With a heart of gratitude amid the storms swirling around me. 
This set is called Angelic, by Whimsy Stamps.  
They were stamped in a waterproof black ink and water colored.  I distressed the edges with scissors and did a bit of machine stitching.  A gold bow and heart finished them off.  

IF you've hung in here....thank you for visiting, I do appreciate it!



Linda Matthews said...

I really appreciate your posts. I look forward to them when I receive them in my email. I have been overwhelmed at work as a manager in healthcare. I haven’t been able to papercraft in quite awhile. BUT I keep purchasing stamps, cardstock and other items when they strike my fancy.

I feel for your pain. I lost both of my parents and so has my husband. There is that empty void. Enjoy what time you have with your parents…. Even if they don’t remember who you are anymore.

Big hugs.

Debbie (from Sugar Land) said...

I check on your blog daily to see if you're okay! I'm sending prayers and good vibes - I know it's hard to deal with aging parents. We've lost all but my mom, and dealt with dementia twice - it's so hard on the care givers...

MUKat said...

I always check for your posts. I have saved posts that you did for Crafty Secrets on my Pinterest boards. Love your style. So sorry for all the pain you and your family are experiencing. Dementia is losing your loved ones twice. I assume you are still teaching. Being a retired teacher, I know how demanding that job is. Your plate is definitely filled to the max. Keeping you in prayers.

Tania said...

I am still following along. I am so sorry to hear about your family. Praying for you as you navigate this journey.