Have I ever told you how much "stuff" I have? I seriously have a problem with throwing things away.........it is a sickness! (Of course it doesn't stop me from buying either!) Brian and I have been slowly repainting the house.....which leads to cleaning.......which leads to purging and simply throwing the crap away. I should grab my camera and show you the piles I have ready to go to Amvets. There are probably hundreds of dollars sittin' there. Oh, and let's not even mention the scrapbook room........I may enter and never come out again! I have stuff shoved in every nook and cranny of
that room. I worked for 6 hours yesterday and it looks like I did absolutely nothing! What does that tell you?! I have decided that when it
is time to paint that I am going with hot pink! Yep.....hot pink! White trim, some cute lil' white and hot pink curtain toppers....! Oh, I can't wait!
Anyway, since I have done nothing crafty for the past couple of days.....because I am so busy cleaning.....that I thought I'd show you a LO of my niece that I did a couple of weeks ago. The picture was taken up in Michigan on the 4th. Her favorite thing to do, was to build sandcastles. Of course our sandcastles were completed with faces! We must have built and rebuilt our sandcastles at least a dozen times! : ) I used
Noel Mignon's Five Foot Two kit. (sold out)

Time to go grab the bags and fell 'em up for charity......
Off to see my Gram today too..... : )
Have a fantastic weekend!!!!
I've also started doing some purging around the house. I'm working on cabinets, closets, and drawers right now. The thought of attempting to clear out my scrapbook area - which sounds a lot like yours - is scary!! LOL
I am so there with you and the cleaning and purging!!! I know Hubby gets so aggravated with me when he sees the things that I am tossing into the bags for pick up!!! Where does this stuff come from!!!!! I adore the LO....such a happy one!!!!! I love the idea of the HOT PINK scraproom....My dear friend just did hers in that color and it is so inspiring!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! Have a great day!!! :)
Great layout Michele. Good luck with the scrapbook room clean out. If you need to donate some of your stock, you can ship it up to Canada.
Hugs xx
This is a great page!!! I just love the beachy theme...Great lo too!
Sounds like my house. I've been doing room by room (slowly) since the beginning of summer.
Now, my girls want their room repainted and themed. We've been buying stuff to decorate their rooms all summer but need to clean each room before. (who knows what we'll find in there.
Your LO is very cute BTW.
this is a brilliant page great layout too love cheryl xxx
On, you want to talk about stuff? I'll bet my pictures of crap would outdo yours anyday -- I've been collecting for over 50 years.
I agree that you should go with HOT PINK! yes, hot pink. Good luck with the purge.
very cute!! love the colors!!
my house is in need of some serious purging as well. I will start it next week after patrick goes back to school..ugh. love your page it is really gorgeous
Adorable page! I love how the flower echoes the colors in her swimsuit.
I adore this page. The colours are fantastic!!
Love the layout, the colours really set the photo off.
Good luck with the cleaning, at least the charity shops will be happy.
Kaye x
You are definitely not alone in the 'needing to majorly purge' department!! I won't even go there with what I have going on...lol!!
Your layout is fabulous, and that is such a sweet picture of your niece!!
If you have any stuff from purging your scraproom left, I would love to buy it from you. I would pay the shipping too. I live in a rural area and my husband is disabled so I search out clearance sales and am not to proud to create with destash from other crafter's cleaning and purging.
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